304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Understanding the Twitter platform

To understand the Twitter platform you need to be aware of the algorithm that is constantly working in the background.

The algorithm affects what you see on your feed and how posts are promoted. It works through analysing a number of elements:

  • What other people say about your posts.
  • Your Twitter profile and what you’ve highlighted on there. (Don’t forget that what you put on there influences how people are going to find you).
  • Who you’re following and how you’re interacting with those people.
  • What you’re actually saying.
  • How much you join in the conversation and interact with people.
  • The recency and consistency of your Tweets.
  • The frequency of your visits to Twitter overall.

The key is to interact with people, like, share and comment. Make sure that you are providing some interesting posts as well, not just retweeting but also giving people something interesting to talk about and look at, then that will help the algorithm to find you and to demonstrate that you are somebody worth looking at as well.

Take a look at the short screencast below to discover the different ways you can find out what’s happening and see trends to keep you posting in a relevant way.